If interested please sent a mail to:

Your order per mail: ... and beyond!

All Prices plus porto, insurance and packaging extra, please let me know where the destination is to give you the best conditions.
International payments: Paypal (or credit card via Paypal)

Please take into account that your local customs authorities still may ask for import duty.

For legal reasons (complicated german laws) there is no automatical shop included.
Just send me an e-mail with your request to the adress above.

Please note: All Parts are still available. But as this is a side job, sometimes I am not able to answer as fast as I would like to.

It looks like lately some mails did not reach me, perhaps ended up in the spam. If I do not answer try please try to contact me over MSW "dafi" or via Instagram "Dafinismus". Thank you for you patience and understanding.

All the best, Daniel

... to Constitution and beyond! Overview Prices ... click ...

... to Victory and beyond! Overview Prices

Complete Set Plate 1-7

Price 203,00 Euro

Etch Plates

Plate 1: Glazing Bars for Stern Windows, Side Pockets and Quarter Deck Bulkheads, incl. Material for the Glazing

Price 23,00 Euro

Plate 2: Rigols

Price 16,00 Euro

Plate 3: Channels incl. Needles (Needles still need to be refined!)

Price 44,00 Euro

Plate 4: Deck Fittings, incl. Material for the Glazing and Netting for Hammock Cranes

Price 49,00 Euro

Plate 5: Lettering and Decoration

Price 20,00 Euro

Plate 6: Gunport Lid Fittings

Price 36,00 Euro

Plate 7: Ringbolts and Hooks complete Plate

Price 47,00 Euro

Plate 8: Gratings complete Plate (not included in the special priced Set)

Price 32,00 Euro

Resin Parts

Printed Parts come roughly tidied from quality check and still need finish.
Larger printed Parts are alraedy taken off their supports as this is easier before curing and eliminates the danger for you to break Parts during this process. Still minor injuries could occure where supports were attached and could need filling and sanding.
See instruction sheet for details.

Resin 1: Pilasters for stern and side galleries

Especially designed for the Heller Victory 1:100.
Set of 6 Parts: Price 36,00 Euro

Resin 2: Side entry port plus steps

Set for both Sides of the Ship: Price 38,00 Euro

Resin 3: Set of 6 anchors: 4 Bower, 1 Stream und 1 Kedgeanchor fitting 1805 standard

Bowers and Streamanchors each three Parts, Kedge Anchor two Parts, all with Rings and Cardbord for Anchor Stock Loops,
2 Buoys, 2 Anchor Shoes, not assembled
Whole Set of 6 Anchors 85 Euro

Resin 4: Knightheads

Price 8,00 Euro

Resin 5: Set of 4 bitts

2 Bitts for Foremast, 1 for Mainmast and 1 for Mizzen Mast
Price 25,00 Euro

Resin 6: Center piece of the figure head.

Crown and Figures not included
Price 22,00 Euro

Resin 7: Cat heads

Set of 2 Cat Heads and 2 Cat Blocks
Price 14,00 Euro

NEU Resin 8: Gun Gear

36 Buckets with GRIII Cypher, 24 Sponges/Rammer und 24 Worms, 48 Levers
Preis 18,00 Euro

NEU More than 860 Blocks for the standing an running Rigging of HMS Victory

Including a fair amount of Spares.

NEU Resin Blocks Complete Set

Resin 10 + 11 + 12 as a Set.
Set Introduction Price: 120,00 Euro

NEU Resin 10: Deadeyes

216 Pieces, fitting for Plate 3 of Etch Parts.
Set Introduction Price: 38,00 Euro

NEU Resin 11: Blocks standing Rigging

over 150 Pieces, Hearts for Stays and Martingales, Special Blocks for Pendants, Backstays, Sister Blocks, ...
Set Introduction Price: 42,00 Euro

NEU Resin 12: Blocks running Rigging

over 460 Pieces, from Jeer Blocks 6 mm down to normal Blocks 2 mm, all special Blocks and normal Blocks
Introduction Price: 60,00 Euro, available soon.

NEU Resin 15: Mastheads und Fighting Tops

16 Pieces,
Set Introduction Price: 43,00 Euro

... to Constitution and beyond! Overview Prices

NEU Resin Con 1: 24 Carronades upper Deck plus 1 Chase Gun

24 Pieces, each 3 Parts + 1 Pieces 2 Parts
42,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 2: Long Guns Gundeck

30 Pieces, each 2 Parts
63,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 3a: Blocks for Gun Rigg

60 Sets à 6 Pieces,
28,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 3b: Blocks for Carronaden, Stowed Tackles for long Guns Gundeck

30 Sets à 6 Pieces, 30 Sets à 2 Pieces
28,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 4: Hanging Knees of Gundeck

34 Pieces
34,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 5: Hawses

4 Pieces + 2 Ersatz
6,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

NEU Resin Con 6: Window Bars + Piece of Hull

4 Pieces
28,00 Euro Introduction Price, available soon.

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